Saturday, August 18, 2007

Character/Community Suit: Robert

There are four card suits for SoulCollage--Committee, Companion, Council and Community. These roughly correspond to inner personas, animal totems, archetypes and significant people in your life. Hope I have that right. In addition you can make your own suits. I started gathering images for what I call my Character suit--these are people from my fiction. If you write a work of some length, your characters have a tendency to take over part of your psyche. I was initially confused where to put them. Are they parts of my personality? Are they embodiments of archetypes? Are they as real as any people I've known? Yes to all three. Hence a new suit.

This is Robert Oppenheimer, father of the atomic bomb, as a young man, and the subject of my first novel.

More on what he has to say later...

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