Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year, looking for a new card...

It's a new year, and I thought I'd make a new commitment to SoulCollage.

To begin I have an "I am the One Who" without a card! But I will obviously have to make one. This just kind of bubbled up while I was writing the first draft of my Holocaust novel in November:

I am the confusion. I am the appeal to unity. I am the need for stability in chaos. I am the spirit of the monolith that is afraid of change. I am the spirit of the Reich.

I am the one who was cheated. I am the anger. I am the one who is mad as hell. I am the scrambling for scraps. I am the one who is paying a million marks for a loaf of bread. I am the one who was tricked by the lies of the military who said the Great War was a cakewalk, and we were winning it. I am the one who was cheated by the Treaty of Versailles and the concessions of the statesmen. I was the one who was blamed and sanctioned by the rest of Europe when I was simply a participant. I am the one who is sure that the communists, Social Democrats and in particular the Jews are to blame.

I want to tell you that fear is not your friend. I want to tell you that disinformation and propaganda are a real threat. I want to tell you not to give in to archetypal "good vs evil" forces that would put your human impulses to sleep. I want to tell you that any time someone says "you're for us or you're against us," fight it with every inch of your being. I want to tell you there is more color and nuance to the world than black, white and shades of red. There are more solutions than a Final solution, and if you kill what you project as your shadow you will never have any integration.

I am the ultimate proof that the Saboteur exists, and can take a whole people down with it.

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