Friday, July 30, 2010

Cards from a SoulCollage(R) workshop...

...led by Michele Manos, October 2009, Amado, AZ

Ancestral Gifts

...We have been warriors and peacemakers, mothers and fathers, mystics and simple people. We have been priests and rabbis, priestesses and witches....You are so much more than the limits of your body. You can tap your strength and also your legacy. You can heal your DNA.

High Priestess

I am the One who is the High Priestess.
I am the One who is aware of the sacred in the profane.
I am the One who bears the pain of my tribe.
I am the Woman of Mystery.
I am the One who holds women's secrets out in the open.

Fire Mummy (Death)

I am the One who is a dessicated shell, purified by transformative fire.

Make a Noise!

I am the one who expresses my self with the freedom of a child.
I am the one who is willing to make a fool of myself.
The guidance I offer is:
Open your mouth.
Don't care what the judges think.
Keep your eye on the prize.
Embarrassment is for sissies.


Anonymous said...

Love your cards. Very powerful!

Lin said...

Such power in these! Make a Noise especially!

Lin said...

Such power in these! Make a Noise especially!